Imagine: leaving your life of solitude behind the computer screen and traveling into the woods. Each morning the members of the commune would rise and begin their work: feeding the chickens, milking the cows, tending to the llamas (yes, llamas), working the fields and general upkeep. Become self-sufficient. Pump water from a well to irrigate the fields. Collect solar energy for heating and electricity. Grow hemp; use it to make clothing, fuel, paper, and countless other products.
You know that book you want to publish? Do it.
You see the beautiful forests for hiking and exploring? Walk in them. Breathe the fresh air.
But who are your companions? Who are these workers striving for a simpler life? Friends, family, any and all welcome if they do their share of the work. Together anything is possible, so why not attempt to create a life of peace? Utter tranquility.
There would be freedom from judgment and worry. Work the fields, breathe the air, follow your dreams. This life is the one you're living now, and we can't waste it away hoping for it to get better on its own. We need to make the changes. We need to find our bliss and run with it. I'm a smith of words, or at least I fancy myself one. It was a long process full of dips and turns to find out that the written word was my passion. I need it like I need that fresh air.
Imagine our fore fathers. The settlers of America weren't intending for Black Friday sales with greeters being trampled by the masses scrambling to purchase the new whatsitcalled which has a new 8.0 megapixel camera with adjustable shutter speeds and twelve different flash settings. This was a land that provided for the tribes of Native Americans and life for them may have been hostile at times, but it was peaceful. There was a oneness with the environment. Now we're all slaves to the clock and to the banking system. We set aside our silly dreams of a peaceful existence so we can break our backs working meaningless jobs. This land was meant to be something better, not some horrific parody of "Reality TV" and believing that we're all meant to be rich and famous.
I say fuck your wealth. Fuck those slips of paper that we've all given so much value to and find your peace. Sure, there's start up costs and maintenance costs, but becoming a self-sufficient commune was never made out to be a simple thing. The fact of the matter is maybe we've all considered this idea from one time or another, but in a discussion with a friend via text messages, we set our minds to find this simpler life.
Join the movement. Get involved. Keep the ones you love close, whilst learning that we're all in this together. We may experience our lives as separate entities all processing the reflection of light off the world around us, but as human beings, our abilities to connect and create and reason are unmatched-- and none of this world's issues should exist. I'm talking about a separation from the masses. A seclusion of creative minds. A collaboration spanning the mediums. Artists, scientists, engineers, authors, musicians, and appreciators. We need to band together. Time is slipping by minute by minute, but we can step outside the binds of the expected life. We can create an opportunity for ourselves to live life to its fullest, to chase any and all of our wildest dreams. There is nothing that can't be done. With enough Love, the world can be taught to change.
Know this: I love you, and you deserve to be happy. We all deserve to be happy. Let's build some happiness together.
Know this: I love you, and you deserve to be happy. We all deserve to be happy. Let's build some happiness together.
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